
2010 slim pomegranate
All know that a lot of fruits and vegetables have a good weight-loss results. Fruits and vegetables that taste like bad skin, seeds or leaves, you will do with them? You would say, obviously lost it! In reality, these are lost to “waste” is actually super slim weight loss product it holy!

Celery: rich calcium can burn the fat

Celery leaves contain rich vitamins, protein and calcium, and calcium rich off of fat can help promote and enhance the role of innovation.

diy weight loss diet: celery pickles

Wash the celery with leaves over salted, cold water and then rinse off the excess salt, then participate in a little red pepper powder, soy sauce, sugar, marinated, such as kimchi-like food.

Radish leaves: very low calories which bear no edible fruta planta

Radish leaf nutrient elements in the surprisingly high, it is the relative composition of the vitamin a class of multi-plant liver, vitamin b group relative to soy, milk is good, the relative composition of citrus vitamin c rich, more importantly, inside the low calories, eating them does not exist a little bear.

super slim pomegranate  weight loss recipes: shredded radish leaves

First radish leaves cut into thin boil for a short hot soak in cold water, then participate in garlic, chili with pork fried together, participate in salt, MSG and other seasoning.

Melon seed: prevents fat accumulation

Melon seeds rich in alcohol acid, can inhibit the carbohydrate into fat is invalid, the maximum level to play a role in preventing the accumulation of fat.

diy weight loss diet: rice white melon seeds

The melon seeds dried and ground into powder, breakfast, take a teaspoon, put white rice in with the food can be.

Grape seed: to enhance the innovation  meizitang

Grape seed contains anthocyanins, reverse alcohol nutrient content, resistance to free radicals can play a role, they not only can enhance the body’s metabolism, but also to beauty.

diy weight loss diet: grape juice

Grape seed bitter bite hard, no harm will scrub clean the whole grapes, thrown into the blender, add water inside the labeled grape juice, this way they have to drink all the nutrients inside the stomach.

Green orange skin: the promotion of innovation

Green orange skin contains a chemical called Delight fun content with the role of promoting innovation is a good weight loss helper.

botanical slimming diet recipes: Orange Chocolate

Green Paper will cut a thin layer of orange rind, cut a section of the refrigerator, the chocolate melted, indirectly get to eat orange skin can be dipped in chocolate.


    super slim
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