meizitang three kinds of successful weight loss

Weight loss for me has always been a problem, do not want to cut, but it is difficult to reduce. Parents asked me to eat less at night, because at that meizitang time saw a news that evening eating a woman for a year, the results lost 20 pounds. Hey. But still no effect. So in my previous 24-year career, the idea of ​​a lot of weight, but very little action. Later, to his own conclusion is that any drug is of no use to me, do not eat is useless for me, because I do not have willpower.

Later a man came out to learn, and parents are not around, looking inside the mall so many nice clothes, to see the people around are so beautiful, the most important thing is to see a lot of health magazines that obese people get very sick, I am afraid, nervous, there is a sudden impulse, I want to lose weight! Now that I think my motivation to lose weight is so much beautiful as it is afraid of death. But that is not enough light, but also action. Beginning to see that all books and articles on weight loss, try all ways to lose weight, hey, finally a modicum of success. Now think really hard. Now my weight is under way.

First, I use Apple’s way to lose weight. Attached three days eat only apples, nothing to eat, eat a few days later some vegetables, staple foods you can eat, but try not to eat at night. This weight loss method can be used once every week, or once every two weeks use, I feel really well, but later used this method to lose weight, eat in the next few days which should not explosion burst water to drink, the body does not good. Later, see the article said, to eat bananas in the morning the body good, because it has enough heat, so after I started eating bananas every morning.

Second,botanical slimming egg weight loss method is that of two consecutive weeks eating eggs, and boiled eggs. Morning, a banana, noon, 3 eggs, 2 eggs at night. But the worry is not good to eat more eggs, so use this method once a month or better.

Finally, the weight loss should be said that I personally think that the most scientific of the. Full accordance with the “eat morning, noon, eat, eat less at night” principle. Morning, a banana; noon, vegetables and staple food; night, it is best not to eat, I eat some fruit or a glass of milk or yogurt. Then do the exercise, every night to do one hour of exercise. Movement to do before going to sleep is in bed, clockwise, counterclockwise to rub the lower abdomen, is said to reduce belly. Do not know is not really useful, I really no little stomach.

And then, when the attention is usually something to eat, and eat slowly, be sure to eat slowly, do not sit after the meal, to stand, stand to do something you can not have strenuous exercise, stop half hours, so that the digestion of food just fine.

botanical slimming soft gel Exercise, not her own doing, afraid to do well, hurt his own body, buy weight loss exercises Yeah, lose weight or dancing along to the music Yeah, I think this is very different, so your body fully stretched. I think the above method can be used interchangeably, a weight loss method to use for a long time, and will feel pain, very boring, with a variety of weight loss methods to lose weight is also a good thing, but you can also find their own way , many ways, the most important thing is for you.

Above is my way to lose weight, and I also did it, I used to be height 160, weight 140 pounds, now is the height 160, weight is 110 pounds. According to the standard it, I think it’s a standard. However, it is easy to lose weight, have fat more easily, so ladies, be sure to pay attention to maintaining oh. I hope my method can be useful for you, also hope that all of the MM are pretty tall, good meizitang soft gel.

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