meizitang how to lose weight detox

Two sources of toxins super slim pomegranate

1, was sucked into the body we eat chemicals: for example, artificial food additives, heavy metals, pesticide residues, preservatives, antibiotics and air, water pollutants.

2, the body of waste generated after metabolism: protein digestion, including the resulting ammonia, carbohydrate and fat metabolism resulting from carbon dioxide, the nervous system neurotransmitter in the old, free radicals or other body hormones no longer needed .

If the toxin levels are not high, usually excreted by the body automatically. However, if the body’s detoxification function of the original damage, leading to continued residual toxins in the body, interfere with the body’s balance, making it easy to get sick into the “acidic”, and cause health problems.

If you are easily edema, constipation, abdominal bulge, physical strength is getting worse, I could not … These are the spiritual body to remind you that “the detox purified.” Thin small series suggest: second body detoxification should be done every month. The following three kinds of detoxification shortcut, which can be also selected for.

A Saturday, Sunday fasting super slim:

This can be fasting two days work, the common practice of fasting has three.

1, water fasting method:

This is probably the most rigorous fasting method, one can only drink water all day, intake about weight (Kq) × 50ml, such as: body weight of 50kg. Every day, at least the amount of water is 50 (Kg) × 50 (m1) = 2500ml. Note that this approach is not suitable for poor kidney function or kidney disease in people, so be a good idea to ask the doctor to do the physical assessment.

2, apple fasting method fruta planta:

Fresh off of this method is very common to eat every day is also limited to unlimited varieties of apples, just eat, but pay attention to skin to eat apples, so wash thoroughly before eating.

3, bananas, fresh off method:

The same does not limit the amount of the fasting period the number of eat eat much. As the banana cold, high potassium content, so people with high blood pressure, acute and chronic nephritis, renal dysfunction and symptoms of edema are not using this method.

Fresh off the diet after recovery: the same in accordance with the procedure before, by the fruits and vegetables, starch to the meat, increase the daily intake of food type and quantity.

Fresh off of a complete health treatment, from start to finish at least two weeks. Experts suggest that if you can stretch to four weeks, the body will adapt better operation.

Two 10-minute lymphatic drainage massage, edema is no longer to meizitang 

Lymphatic is the body’s immune system. Main function is to exclude cell waste, so when the lymphatic circulation is not the law, they can not effectively deal with toxins, and cause physical pain, water retention status.

With a lymphatic drainage massage using essential oils, can quickly improve water retention. Because lymph tissue is very superficial position, not hidden in the deep skin, the lymphatic drainage therefore does not require too much force, so long as “gentle, slow, in the same direction,” the three great principles of massage, and the heart as the end point, taken from outside to inside, from bottom to top of the sliding massage, to achieve the purpose of active lymphatic circulation.

Lymphatic drainage massage is the best time: Paowan bath, put on some after care products. At this point the body has to relax, so they help to improve the effectiveness of massage, and can promote the maintenance component absorption.

Third, the bath brush rub the skin, a more active metabolic cycle

Beauty slimming detoxification method, the skin is the body’s largest detoxification organ, and over the body sweat out toxins the body is one of the important channels. Want to achieve in a short time the effect of sweating a lot, soaking the best choice.

1 Bath:

Bath water temperature should not be too high, to avoid increasing the burden on the heart, but caused discomfort. Bath as long as more than 10 minutes. Can clearly feel the muscle tension has been relaxed, the blood circulation also became active together, even the pores felt was clear, the accumulation of toxins in the body with the drops of sweat can be excreted.

2, brush rub:

In addition to the bath, the use of natural brush to brush rub the body, but also helps to promote circulation.

Brush rub method botanical slimming:

First with vegetable oil or warm water to brush moistened, and then take the direction of bottom-up approach to the heart of the brush rubbing, massage can achieve a similar effect.

Family had no bathtub, but would like to bath, try to strengthen the local bath, such as: bubble to the calf’s foot, only to bubble to the hip hip bath, etc., which can give you a similar effect of the bath body. And if more time with the use of oil, the better.



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