
super slim weight loss recipes

The effectiveness of anti-constipation diet of bananas, known to many MM. However, the banana diet method in the end to prevent constipation and how to implement it? The following super slim pomegranate to teach you a specific banana diet to lose weight, and the banana diet you recommend 5 recipes a week, quickly lost 8 pounds no problem.

First, anti-constipation magic banana diet

1, bananas are rich in zinc and calcium, can help burn fat, can also help expel excess water to avoid edema and improve metabolism. In addition, bananas are also a large number of B vitamins to increase metabolism, and regulating the female endocrine.

2, bananas are rich in dietary fiber to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help prevent constipation. Oligosaccharides which can regulate gastrointestinal beneficial bacteria to help improve bowel movement.

3, the banana also contains enzymes to help digestion, laxative can help prevent constipation, but also can increase metabolism, prevent fat deposition.

Two, 7-days lost 8 pounds banana diet implementation steps

1 banana breakfast to lose weight

The easiest way is to directly eat, if you really do not like bananas, other fruits can also be used instead. In addition, you can also do banana salad, banana oatmeal, yogurt, bananas, ice and other weight-loss diet to do breakfast.

2, more than enough water to drink

Water can not only increase satiety, but also there is abundant with soluble fiber and pectin in bananas, the better to help purge. So with banana for breakfast, to drink as much warm water.

3, with the staple carbohydrate

Lunch and dinner to carbohydrate-based, super slim without any special diet, coupled with the normal daily routine can be.
Third, especially diets recommended 5 banana

1 banana salad

The banana into small pieces, then mix with salad dressing, then into the refrigerator inside the refrigerator for a while, almost effortlessly a sweet banana food to get.

If you think that only bananas too monotonous, then recapture some apples, pineapple, all depending on their side of the material has been determined. Each meal to eat a bowl of salad, meals can reduce food intake, but also promote weight loss, vitamin supplements.

2, banana oatmeal

This is an absolutely healthy staple food, and doing it very convenient. The first to add a little amount of water to oats cooked,2 day diet then cut into small pieces of banana into them, add some of the wolfberry, simmer five or six minutes on it. If you like to drink milk, you can also add boiled milk, will be more delicious.

3, banana yogurt ice

Wipe the yogurt on the banana, impeccably thicker, and then into the refrigerator freezer, three or four hours later out of a yogurt banana ice cream will be presented in front of you, give it different name – banana yogurt ice. If you want to eat snacks, eat last, but remember to drink plenty of water after eating the clear stomach, then eat snacks each day when no more than two.

4, banana milk

Banana, sugar-free milk 100 ml can with their own preferences to adjust the quantity of milk, like the refreshing taste of increase 20-100 ml of milk. Banana peel in the cup pressed into a paste with a spoon, pour the milk in the mixing cup Banana, banana and soy milk you can drink fusion. Banana soy milk place for some time, it will become brown acid is recommended after completion of drinking.

5, bananas dipped in honey

Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the gastrointestinal motility and help excretion. If you eat nothing, only bananas dipped in honey, the heat is lower than the dinner,pai you guo naturally slim down.

Fourth, the weather quickly with thin

1, the staple food selection carbohydrates,meizitang botanical slimming taste the best light

Carbohydrate-based lunch and dinner the best food, if it is not busy dinner time, it’s best to eat in the afternoon when the air cushion under the balls stomach. Also after dinner have to quit the habit of eating sweets because sweets will extend the digestion time, so plan to break the power to change the constitution.

2, tired of eating into this is also OK

Bananas every day, there must be tired of eating the day. In the implementation of the banana diet plan, it allows you to 1 to 2 days which will be replaced with high nutritional value of bananas, apples or kiwifruit. Noon after eating chocolate, candy, potato chips and other snack craving, to the principle of no more than 300 cards, but the ice cream would gastrointestinal function, and is thin forbidden things.

3, do some weight-loss plan to break the banana

If the implementation of the banana diet plan, you also from time to time to eat snacks, do not drink thirsty drink beverages, continuing stay up late, drinking too much. Oh that might eventually come to naught!

Tips: This rapid weight loss because the body is often not well adapted and adverse reactions. If the long-term by bananas for a living, lack of body protein, minerals and other nutrients, your body will slowly danger.

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